Maksim Evstignejev

Birthday: 12.11.1998 (26 years)

Coach: Karate

Rank : 1 Dan (Karate IJKA)

Tel.+372 58377727

1-Dan Shotokan IJKA,24.04.2016

Practicing karate since 2006


Achievements in sport:

  • Estonian Champion since 2014 in the kumite section
  • Nordic Championships bronze medal 2016 U18 +76 kg, Denmark
  • Participant of the WKF European Championship.
  • Repeated winner and prize-winner of various international competitions in kumite.

Education: Tallinn Unversity, 2021, Bachelor of Arts in Sport, 2021-… Magistracy

Working in school of  Tallinna Pae Gumnaasium.